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  • September 26, 2024
  • Thursday, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

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Recycling Drive

Thursday, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
September 26, 2024


Gather up your 10¢ redeemable deposit containers and bring them by the Sunshine Plaza parking lot at 7380 Hwy 238 in Ruch Thursday, September 26th, from 1pm-4pm! A Greater Applegate, your local nonprofit community building organization, will be accepting all glass, plastic and aluminum deposit beverage containers as we continue our BottleDrop Give donation program in support of our active community driven working groups.


We will also be collecting eligible electronic devices for recycling through AfterBits, saving you a trip to town! In order to e-cycle, please “wipe” your devices before leaving them with AGA. 

What can be recycled?

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • Printers
  • Tablets
  • TV Monitors
  • Keyboards
  • Mice

What is NOT allowed?

  • Cell phones
  • Microwaves
  • Small appliances
  • Refrigerators/Freezers
  • Non-flat-screen TVs

Before donating, we highly recommend you wipe your device’s hard drive and remove any sensitive personal information. Instructions for wiping a PC and Mac are here

Do you have extra glass laying around too? No problem! You can drop that in the glass recycling bin behind the Ruch Country Store while you’re here!

If you have questions about what is allowed, please call or text us at 541-702-2108.

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