Cantrall Buckley Park
AGA operated Cantrall Buckley County Park for more than 20 years until we returned management to Jackson County in 2018. Since then AGA, in partnership with the Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council (APWC) and others, continues to add enhancements to the park for the benefit of visitors and the local ecosystem. Projects have included solar power and a sundial, the Cheryl Garcia Sculpture Garden, invasive species removal and park cleanups, and completion of the art mural in the children’s playground area. AGA has expanded the partnership with APWC to include improvement projects at the new Provolt Recreation Site.
A Greater Applegate’s Park Enhancement Programs and its partners envision a stimulating park experience for visitors of all ages, while maintaining the vitality of the park through restorative practices and enhancement projects. While Cantrall Buckley Park is now a Jackson County park and no longer under the management of A Greater Applegate, we have continued to work with the county and other partners to enhance the park experience. Recent projects have included a solar array, new benches and signage, and installation of Cheryl Garcia Art in the Park. Projects have been put on hold during the pandemic but will conclude in 2021.