Resilient & Connected

This focus area is about creating a resilient and connected Applegate Valley. It covers topics such as emergency preparedness and risk mitigation from natural disasters, improved public safety, increasing connection in the built environment and with communication infrastructure and tools, and working towards energy independence.

Our Vision: A resilient and connected Applegate Valley plans for and takes action to mitigate risks from fire and other natural disasters; creates a sense of safety for its community members; provides ways for people to come together in public and shared spaces; has accessible communication systems; and is  working toward energy independence.


To plan for and mitigate risks from fire and other natural disasters… by working with emergency management partners and community members. Read more.

To improve public safety in the Applegate Valley… by increasing a sense of the Applegate as a safe place for all members of the community and by creating better relationships and communication with the Jackson and Josephine County Sheriffs’ Offices. Read more.

To enhance the ability for community connection in the built environment… through infrastructure development and creating more public and shared spaces to bring people together, such as a community center and a local business complex, and by encouraging community-minded buyers for transitioning commercial businesses. Read more.  

To develop and support community communication infrastructure and tools… by increasing accessibility and quality of new and existing communication systems and better utilizing both analog and digital outlets. Read more.

To develop more sustainable energy sources for the Applegate Valley… by identifying a lead entity to assess and investigate the use of renewables, energy efficiencies, and forming a Public Utility District or Local Power District/Village Power Model; and keeping the community informed and mobilized to work towards energy independence. Read more.

Vibrant & Livable

This focus area is about increasing the vibrancy and livability of the Applegate Valley for all its residents. It covers topics such as health and wellness, transportation, housing, education, and waste management.

Our Vision: A vibrant and livable Applegate Valley is able to provide well-rounded health and wellness services; has multi-modal transportation options and safe roads; a diverse set of affordable and worker-accessible housing options; a wide range of educational opportunities; as well as ways to reduce, reuse, recycle and remove waste.


To provide better, more well-rounded health care services… including those that help people to age in place, increase access to food and food security, and encourage networking among local wellness professionals and healers. Read more.

To increase options for all modes of transportation and improve road safety… by prioritizing alternatives to personal vehicles, forming a Highway 238 planning group, and by advocating for safety and improvements along country roads. Read more.

To plan and develop appropriate housing options to match the diverse needs of current and future Applegate residents… by forming a Rural Housing Working Group to address the housing affordability challenge, including housing supply and costs, rental vacancies and rent, worker accessible housing, and zoning issues. The strategy must also be cognizant of this unique and valued rural setting and offer housing solutions that maintain our rural quality of life. Read more.

To create a range of educational opportunities that offer safe, healthy, meaningful, and fun experiences for youth, young adults, and continuing learners to better equip them with skills, knowledge and confidence… by broadening professional and technical career pathways to diversify our local workforce, increasing student exposure to the work of local organizations, developing community partnerships and exploring the possibility for a Community Learning Center. Read more.

To identify and develop rural solutions to the waste management needs of the Applegate Valley… by exploring more and better recycling, reuse, and repurpose options and improving waste removal options and responses. Read more.

Prosperous & Vital

This focus area is about creating a prosperous and economically vital Applegate Valley. It covers topics such as creating an innovative rural economy, Destination Applegate, local business and artist networks, and supporting a healthy workforce. 

Our Vision: A prosperous and vital Applegate Valley that supports an innovative, locally-based, rural economy and a healthy work environment through the creation of Village Hubs, encouraging conscious, community-based tourism, contributing to a strong Business Network, and facilitating a dynamic art, music and theater scene.


To support an innovative, locally-based, rural economy… by redeveloping the “Village Hubs” throughout the Applegate; supporting new business incubation, entrepreneurs, and home-based cottage industries; and increasing long-term, local investment in the community. Read more.

To develop low-impact, conscious, community-based tourism that strengthens our rural economy… by forming and facilitating a Destination Applegate Working Group, developing new infrastructure and transportation linkages for tourism, and marketing opportunities for visitors to attract a diverse demographic of tourists. Read more.

To facilitate, grow, and strengthen the Applegate Valley Business Network… by convening on a regular basis to create shared marketing and advertising materials and campaigns; to encourage opportunities to get to know each other and the community; and to coordinate and promote events and activities that support local businesses to increase the Applegate’s economic vitality. Read more.

To integrate art, music and theater more into the community and the growing visitor economy… by increasing coordination among artists, making connections with other business owners and event spaces, creating venues and connections for local art exhibits and sales opportunities, increasing visibility of existing public art installations, and supporting art performances. Read more.

To create conditions for a healthy work environment in the Applegate Valley… by supporting the well-being of workers, offering job connection resources, and training and recruiting more industry professionals. Read more.

Highlight: To more fully integrate the Applegate Wineries into the business network, the local community, and tourism opportunities… by planning events and activities for locals and visitors, engaging the community via outreach and education, and increasing recognition of the Applegate Valley Vintners Association (AVVA).

Steward & Sustain

This focus area is about creating a sustainable Applegate Valley for all its residents. It covers topics such as forest and fire, water, local food and agriculture, outdoor recreation, and climate resiliency.

Our Vision: A beautiful and cared for Applegate Valley that is rooted in healthy forests and the management of the wildland-rural interface; abundant and high quality water and habitat in our creeks, rivers, and riparian areas; a thriving local food and agricultural system; responsible enjoyment of our region’s parks, trails and outdoor recreational amenities; and a plan for remaining resilient in the face of a changing climate.


To promote forest conservation, restoration and fire resiliency on public and private land… by convening a multi-stakeholder group of organizations and agencies working in the forests of the Applegate Valley; by returning fire to the landscape in a positive and productive way, and developing jobs in sustainable forestry; by increasing community education, engagement and communication, particularly with the BLM and USFS; and by exploring permanent protection in key areas. Read more.

To protect and conserve water quality, quantity & resources within our Watershed… by organizing Drainage Basin Steering Committees for the management of water usage and water delivery among multiple systems and users; responding to water quantity and drought conditions and the need for water conservation measures; increasing water quality and awareness in the Applegate watershed; and restoring habitat for keystone species. Read more.

To maintain and enhance our local food and agricultural system… through increasing educational and technical assistance opportunities for farmers, ranchers, and growers; connecting producers and consumers by raising awareness, communication and building relationships; ensuring farm, land and water viability for new and existing farmers; assessing and building necessary infrastructure; and creating vibrant and efficient local food distribution and marketing channels. Read more.

To expand and improve access to the Applegate Valley’s outdoor recreational opportunities… including the Applegate river, regional trails, and enhancing our local parks; developing outdoor recreation services and infrastructure; and convening trails associations and recreation organizations to encourage collaboration, resource sharing, and the elevation of outdoor activities. Read more.

To plan for climate resiliency… by identifying local leaders to form a Climate Action Group that will prioritize local community response actions and community-driven climate adaptations and initiate a community analysis on the impact of potential climate changes. Read more.

Highlight: To strengthen collaboration and transparency with local hemp and marijuana growers… by improved planning, cooperation, and engagement with industry associations, and by developing needed infrastructure.

Inclusive & Engaged

This focus area is about creating an inclusive and engaged Applegate Valley for all its residents. It covers topics such as rural representation; community building; diversity, equity, and belonging; building a nonprofit network; and honoring our cultural heritage and local history.

Our Vision: An inclusive and engaged Applegate Valley ensures the interests of our community are represented to decision-makers and necessary levels of government, that our community is connected, has capacity and culture, and is led by citizens and nonprofits taking action and responsibility for this place we call home, including the creation of a diverse and equitable rural space where all who inhabit this Valley feel like they belong, and where our unique history and cultural heritage are recognized.


To ensure the interests of the Applegate Valley community are represented in local, state, and national policy discussions… by developing an Applegate Rural Caucus;  coordinating citizen participation, representation, and communication between Jackson and Josephine counties and Applegate residents; and by creating a County-Community Land Use Committee. Read more.

To build community in the Applegate Valley… by deepening connections, recognizing and developing community culture and events, increasing capacity, and inspiring resident-led action in neighborhoods and throughout the Valley to strengthen the social network. Read more.

To create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive rural community and a sense of belonging for all who inhabit this Valley… by fostering a welcoming environment and building trust among neighbors; by supporting and engaging with Latino/a/x, Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA efforts in the Applegate Valley; and by creating opportunities for continued DEI education and  training in professional and neighborhood networks. Read more.

To bring together nonprofit organizations that serve the Applegate Valley to gain professional skills and deepen connections… by working together to utilize collective outreach and communication tools to engage the Applegate Valley community in the work that supports their missions. The Nonprofit Network encourages collaboration, shared action, and increased capacity to support projects generated through the community visioning process. Read more.

To conserve the cultural heritage and recognize the unique local history of the Applegate Valley… through coordinating events and activities, convening stakeholders, preserving and mapping the area’s historic infrastructure and by creating and supporting an Applegate History Museum. Read more.